We are happy to help
Still can't figure it out? You can contact us on whatsappen!
It's completely free!
- Red (with cross) means you do not eat with us
- Green (with checkmark) means you are joining in for dinner
- Blue (with shopping trolley) means you are shopping
- Grey (with question mark) means you haven't indicated anything yet.
As soon as a bug is discovered, it will be fixed as soon as possible. This will then be reported under the News section on the homepage of www.eetlijst.nl. If you have discovered a bug or shortcoming yourself, please e-mail it to scripterror@eetlijst.nl as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your response.
The functionality of Eatlist is regularly extended. This happens, for example, when users pass on tips and/or comments to us. We therefore greatly appreciate this and hope you will continue to do so at info@eetlijst.nl. However, we have limited resources so not every wish can be carried out immediately. With these resources, we try to offer as many functionalities as possible to as many houses as possible.
Yes, apps are available for both platforms.
Click here for the iOS app
Click here for the Android app
Or search for ‘Eatlist’ in the AppStore or PlayStore.
Go to https://eetlijst.nl/inloggen
- Login with your account name and password (if from version 4 or older)
- Login with your email or password (from version 5)
Your browser usually has a password manager, you can also use the free password manager Bitwarden download. It is open-source, free and works in all browser like on iOS, Android, Windows and MacOS.
Not sponsored, Eatlist values open-source software that make the world a little safer.
This functionality is no longer available due to security reasons. Nowadays, your browser would remember your session for longer periods.
We encourage the use of a password manager. Bitwarden is open-source, free password manager and works in all browsers and on iOS, Android, Windows and MacOS.
There are two ways, depending on whether you log in from an email or account name
Go to eetlijst.nl/forgot to reset your password. You will then receive an email to reset your password.
Send an email to password@eetlijst.nl to access your account. Please send an email to info@eetlijst.nl, include the name of your group and a number of group members.
We encourage the use of a password manager. Bitwarden is open-source, free password manager and works in all browsers and on iOS, Android, Windows and MacOS.
Use Eatlist
If you are logged in, click on the bullet with a question mark. Then you can choose which status you want to select:
- Red (with cross) means you do not eat with us
- Green (with checkmark) means you are joining in for dinner
- Blue (with shopping trolley) means you are shopping
- Grey (with question mark) means you haven't indicated anything yet.
At the bottom left, there is a button with a lock icon. Click this and you close the dinner.
- Red: Dinner is closed, housemates cannot update their status for dinner.
- Green: dinner is open, housemates can update their status.
Click on the plus sign next to your status bullet. This is only possible provided your own status is one of the following:
- I eat tonight
- I do groceries
- I will cook
If you are not joining us for dinner yourself, or it is still unknown, you cannot indicate that you are bringing someone along.
You can. Go to the dinner of the day in question (click on the arrow to the left, or via the calendar). There you can change your status.
You can remove yourself, or your housemate, from the list in the group settings. Scroll down to ‘members’. You will then see a bin icon next to the name. Click it to remove yourself/roommate from the group.
Note: Your self/roommate's balance must be at 0 euros.
Go to the group settings (top right by the cogwheel) and click on the Whatsapp icon or Share icon. Share the link with your housemate. That person can now create their own account.
note: creating an account is different from the old Dining List. Your new housemate will create a personal account. This gives us opportunities to offer ‘admin’ functions later.
Cost management
When entering costs, you can charge people separately, you can adjust this immediately, or afterwards.
This is not possible in the new version, provided you have imported your old balance from the previous version.
It could have one of these causes:
- When a person has been removed whose balance was not 0.
- When someone lists ‘Other expenses’ but no one selects under ‘Paid for’.
- When costs are entered for a day when no one eats along but someone cooks (or vice versa).
Yes you can! Go to the ‘Money’ tab and click on ‘Export’ at the bottom left.
Here you can export the costs to a CSV file.
Go to the ‘expenses’ tab and click on the ‘settlement list’ button there. After that, an overview will appear of who should pay how much to each other.
If you click on ‘settlement list’, you first get an overview of who has to pay what to each other. Then you have to press confirm one more time. All statistics are retained.
So don't worry about accidentally netting the list.
If someone leaves the group, that person's balance must always be 0. This is because otherwise the list is not balanced (The sum of everyone's balance is not 0). In the long run, this is a problem because people will have received or have to pay money out of the blue. This is not pleasant.
What next? If someone is still in plus/min, it basically means that someone still has to pay/get money. If you have a separate house account, it should be settled with that list. You could possibly divide the remaining money H.O. among the housemates.
In the old Eat List, people could leave the list if they still had money on the balance. So this is no longer possible in the new version because of the above reason.
Suppose you get money back, for example in connection with deposits, you can enter minus money. Suppose you get 10 euros back, enter -10 euros.
New version
The old Dining List (version 4) is more than 20 years old. The design predates the smartphone era and there were several bugs in the old version.
To fix the bugs and offer more features, it was necessary to develop a new website.
First, the design has been revamped, further:
- There is a iOS app
- The Android app is renieuwed
- There is a shared grocery list
- Recieve notifications/reminders
- Expanded cost list (including bug fixes)
Check that a ‘Contact email address’ is entered in the groepsinstellingen. After entering this email address, close the setup by de pagina volledig te sluiten en opnieuw in te loggen!
If this does not work, please contact us at info@eetlijst.nl of whatsapp.
You can just log in with your current account name + password. Only if you are a new housemate, then log in a separate account.
Yes, the statistics of your house will be transferred to the new version.
Yes, the old dining list will remain available. But: communicate the new and old version not with each other. Make sure all members in your group are using the new Eat List. Go to v4.eetlijst.nl for the old version.
After a while, the old version will stop, but this will be communicated well in advance. So don't be afraid that the old version will suddenly stop. If there is a reason you don't want to switch over, we would love to hear from you! You can send us whatsappen with the reason you don't want to switch. We will then try to resolve this for you.
No. Only the balance from the old Eat List is taken over. The rest of the statistics are summed up into 1 balance sheet. You can download the old charges at v4.eetlijst.nl/kosten.php
Goed dat je dit is opgevallen!
De balans van de oude eetlijst was soms niet sluitend (som van de huisgenoten is niet 0). Dit was een bug in de oude Eetlijst.
Tijdens de setup van de nieuwe Eetlijst (maar 1 huisgenoot heeft dit gezien) kon er een keuze gemaakt worden om deze fout te corrigeren. Het geld dat te veel (of te weinig) was, is hoofdelijk overgeslagen over de active huisgenoten.
Daarnaast kan het voorkomen dat de balans verkeerd is geimporteerd uit de oude Eetlijst (bij oude huizen ging dit helaas wel eens verkeerd). Tijdens de setup werd er gevraagd om dit te controleren, maar het kan zijn dat dit over het hoofd is gezien. Als je denkt dat dit is gebeurt, neem dat contact met ons op via info@eetlijst.nl of Whatsapp!
Denk je nogsteeds dat de balans niet goed is? Of wil je dat wij jullie balans controleren, neem gerust contact met ons op via info@eetlijst.nl of Whatsapp!
That's right. The old and new Eatlist comunicate not with each other. Therefore, use the new Eatlist with all members in your group.
You can add new members via an invitation link. This link can be found in the settings.
Only new members must register an individual account. They log in with their personal login + password, so no longer with the joint account name. This should give more control to members about their privacy.
Former members will soon have no insight into the group's expenses, statistics and status.
If you are from the old version, for now you just have to log in with your common account name and password! This will eventually be replaced.
Dit gaan we bouwen. Die de voorgang op eetlijst.nl/feature-requests
There is no official support yet, but this is coming. In the meantime, you can use our API server at api.samenn.nl/graphql/v1 And look around a bit yourself.
As the URL says, we use graphQL.
Oh oh! that's annoying. You can report bugs to info@eetlijst.nl or by us at Whatsappen. We will fix the bug as soon as possible.
We have tried to make all the features present in the old Eatlist available again.
Check out the list of features we are building at eetlijst.nl/feature-requests. Is it not listed? Please contact us via info@eetlijst.nl or through Whatsapp. Then we get to work!
Still can't figure it out? You can contact us on whatsappen!